Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting over workout fears

There are many reasons people avoid exercising. One of the most common is a fear of going to the gym. Some people get the idea of big body builders working out. Others imagine a lot of super skinny beautiful people. Then there's the everyone will look at me or make fun of me people.
There are also the classic excuses like; I don't know how to use the machines and I don't want to bulk up.
So lets address these concerns;

 I'll agree the equipment can look a little intimidating at first. All of our machines have a little sticker on them that gives you a basic idea of how to use them and what muscle's they work. You can also ask for help, we love to help.
Many women are seriously concerned about bulking up. The believe that if they lift weights, they will look like the women on the cover of the body builder magazines. Let me first say that weight training does not mean body building. Most women will never build large, bulky muscle tissue. Women do not have enough testosterone to build muscle at the same rate as men. Exercising with weights will however improve your overall health and help you maintain a healthy body weight.
If bodybuilders are your fear, let me first say that I have been around them for the past 12 years. As a woman, I can tell you most are really very nice. That's not to say there are not meat heads out there. I have actually found that more often than not, they are really helpful on the weight room floor. The only time I've ever really had a problem with one was right before a body building show (that's when they are really carb depleted and cranky).
As for super skinny beautiful people, a lot of the ones you see here in our gym have before and after pictures up on our wall of fame. That means they haven't always looked like that.They had to work for it. Besides people actually working out in most gyms range from super fit to super obese.
If you are worried that everyone is looking, I mean no disrespect, but most people really don't care what you look like or what you are doing. 
So now we've addressed some fears how about some idea to help.
1. How about go with a friend. Studies show that people who work out with a partner are more inclined to reach their fitness goals.
2. Meet with a trainer. Trainers can show you how to use machines properly, design a workout routine for you, or just help you get started in the right direction.
3. Join a class. Basic aerobic classes are fun and a way to change up your cardio. Classes like our boot camp have the ultimate accountability to keep you on track.
4. Go to the gym when it's not busy. Traditionally the busy times for most gyms are early in the morning and late afternoon/early evenings.
5. Finally, push through your fear. Working out truly does make you feel better at the end of the day!


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