Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am not here to be your friend!!

I am not here to be your friend. For most of you, your friends are the ones who will tell you
“It’s ok to have just one.”
“Come on, live a little.”
“You look a little too thin.”
“I think you’re losing too much weight.”
“Are you allowed to enjoy anything anymore?”
“You’re really not as much fun since you quit going out drinking with us and partying on the weekends.”
“Let’s not go to the seminar, Margaritas are only .99 tonight.”
“I don’t care what your trainer says, you should never commit to something like that.”
“It sounds to me like this whole sugar thing is just stupid and unreasonable.”
“What about your kids? Are you not allowed to let your kids enjoy their childhood?”

Every statement above is a real statement that has been said to some of our bootcamp students and they have passed on to me. 

I am not here to be your friend.

I am here to be the person who whispers in your ear “You can do 2 more, trust me.” I am here to take you from doing 13 pushups to doing 73 (woo hoo, Heather) in one month’s time. I am here to make you believe you can do things you never thought possible. I am here to be the little voice you hear in your head when you are tempted to cheat, say to you “Don’t do it, you are doing so good. Don’t blow it.” I am here to be the little voice you here in your head tell you to get out of your warm bed and join the group to run the butte even though it is snowing. I am here to teach to obtain your true achievement and potential. I am here to teach you to stand up to your unsupportive husband and make him eat his cookies in his car because you “will not allow that “CRACK” in this house anymore.” I am here to encourage you when you get frustrated about doing the right thing. I am here to tell you milk is still sugar-water when you attempt to justify it. I am here to talk you out of doing the bad things in your life that you know in your heart are wrong.  I am here to tell you that I know it is difficult- It is NOT impossible.

I am not here to be your friend. I will motivate you, I will push you, I will encourage you, I will make you swear at me, I will make you angry with me, I will make you frustrated, I will make you better. If after all that, when you have accomplished your task at hand and you are truly happy with the way you look and feel, if after all that you want to be friends, so be it; but not now. For now we have a job to do and I will see you next class.

Remember, it is difficult-not impossible. You have plenty of people in your life that will enable you and tell you it’s ok to cheat. You need at least one person in your life that truly wants the best for you. Since I want the best FOR you, I will expect the best FROM you. But remember, it all comes from love.

Have fun and enjoy the process,


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chicken with Dijon Sauce

 Here is a great healthy chicken recipe that is loved by our family!

1 1/2 TBSP olive oil
4-6 chicken breasts cut bite size
1 c chopped onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 c chicken broth
1 tsp cumin powder
3 TBSP Dijon mustard
3/4 cup vanilla yogurt
salt and pepper to taste
Heat oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Saute chicken until brown, about 5-8 minutes. Remove from pan and set aside.
Lower heat, in same skillet saute onion and garlic until soft. Add 1-2 TBSP of chicken broth to keep moist.
Add cumin powder, mustard and remaining broth. Cook for 10 minutes. Return chicken with juices to pan and continue cooking 10 minutes.

Add yogurt, salt and pepper. Heat though. Server over rice and enjoy!
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fit Fitness in

In today's busy lifestyles it can be challenging to find the time to workout. The American Heart Association recommends that a healthy adult gets at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. That breaks down to 30 minutes five times a week. The ideal week should include resistance training at least twice a week.
So where and how do you find the time to fit it in??
1. Consider working out early in the morning. Studies show that people who workout first thing in the morning, are more likely to stick with it. Most people do not feel like working out after a long day of work.
2. When you figure out a time that works for you, put it in your planner. When you make it an appointment, you are less likely to miss it.
3. Take a brisk walk on your lunch break. Grab a coworker and motivate them too!
4. Do squats while you are brushing your teeth.
5. Be less efficient. Take more time doing menial chores. Idea; bring in your groceries from the car one bag at a time.
6. If you have a bicycle, ride to work instead of drive. (bonus, you'll save money on gas)
7. If you are unable to workout in the morning, workout immediately after work. Lets face it when you go home and get comfy you don't want to go back out.
8. Get a workout buddy. When you have someone depending on you it motivates you to stick with it.
9. Don't park up close. Going to the grocery store, school or even the gym, park in the back of the parking lot. The extra steps will all add up at the end of the day.

It really comes down to how important is it for you to be healthier? Are there things in your day/week you can rearrange to make fitness a priority for you? Choosing a healthy lifestyle which includes fitness will help you live a longer, happier life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Get Heart healthy

Heart Disease is the number one killer of women. Fortunately there are some things you can do to lower your chance of developing this deadly disease!!
Start by exercising. You need to get 20 to 30 minutes of movement in every day. If you can get more than that, it's even better. Getting exercise in your day can help you control your weight and reduce conditions that put a strain on your heart. Exercise helps strengthen your heart and cardiovascular system. Exercise helps your body use oxygen better by improving your circulation. Exercise gives you energy so you can do more activities and sleep better at the end of the day. Exercise lowers blood pressure. Exercise helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression.
Next don't smoke or use tobacco. These are the most significant risk for heart disease. The chemicals in tobacco damage your heart and blood vessels. The nicotine in cigarettes narrows your blood vessels and increases your blood pressure. Social smokers and second hand smoke is just as dangerous. The good news is that when you quit smoking, your risk drops dramatically in just one year.
Third, eat a heart healthy diet. This means eat foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt. Epically limit your intake of trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in margarine, fast food, fried food, etc.. Additionally limit refined sugar intake from cakes, candies, cookies, etc.. Instead eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Also proteins like beans, chicken, turkey and fish. Limit your intake of red meat as it is high in saturated fat.
Finally if you drink alcohol, limit your intake to no more than one drink a day. Excessive alcohol depletes your body's supply of nutrients and vitamins.

You'll be on your way to a healthy heart in no time!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't give up

There may come a time in weight loss when you just stop losing weight. Otherwise known as a weight loss plateau.These plateaus can cause people to quit or give up! Don't do that.
So what do you do?
First of all try mixing it up. When you do the same thing over and over again, your body will adapt. It will use fewer calories than it did when you started. Basically your body will start running on cruise control. Add five minutes to your workout routine. Take a walk every night. Mix up your workout. Change your workout intensity. Add strength training.
Second, make sure you are getting enough water. You really need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I know you've heard this before. If you are not consistently getting 8 glasses, your body will hold onto water. Also your body cannot properly burn fat if it is dehydrated.
Third, take an active rest. Take a week off from structured exercise. This will rejuvenate your body and mind while giving your overworked muscles a chance to rest and rebuild. When you come back your body will be ready for new challenges. Take this time to go for a fun bike ride, play with your kids, take a long walk.
Fourth, are you eating enough? While you are first losing, you need to seriously cut your calories. However as you increase your fitness levels, your metabolism increases. You may need to eat more. Really pay attention to how you feel. How often are you hungry? If it's often, it's a clear sign that you need to eat more to sustain your fitness program. You do need calories to burn fat and build muscle. Just make sure you are eating healthy. This is not an excuse to start eating bad!
Finally, how much sleep are you getting? If you aren't getting regular sleep, your body cannot actively repair itself. Getting proper rest will give you energy and strength for your workouts. Improper sleep can actually cause you to damage your body. So make sure you are getting 6-8 hours of sleep consistently.

Banana Pancakes

I'm going to do my best to put a recipe on here every Sunday, this week it's Tuesday. So here is my first recipe;

Banana Pancakes

  • 2 medium very ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten
  • 2 Tbsp no-sugar added applesauce
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
Mash bananas well. Add egg, applesauce, milk. Mix well. Add remaining ingredients and mix to get rid of any lumps. If batter looks too thin (which might happen, depending on the size of your bananas), add up to 1/4 cup more flour, a little bit at a time until it is the right consistency.
Heat a non-stick griddle or pan and spray with non-stick cooking spray (use medium heat). Using approximately 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake, pour batter onto heated griddle. Allow to cook until you see bubbles on the top. Flip and cook until done.

Enjoy them!! Let me know what you think :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting over workout fears

There are many reasons people avoid exercising. One of the most common is a fear of going to the gym. Some people get the idea of big body builders working out. Others imagine a lot of super skinny beautiful people. Then there's the everyone will look at me or make fun of me people.
There are also the classic excuses like; I don't know how to use the machines and I don't want to bulk up.
So lets address these concerns;

 I'll agree the equipment can look a little intimidating at first. All of our machines have a little sticker on them that gives you a basic idea of how to use them and what muscle's they work. You can also ask for help, we love to help.
Many women are seriously concerned about bulking up. The believe that if they lift weights, they will look like the women on the cover of the body builder magazines. Let me first say that weight training does not mean body building. Most women will never build large, bulky muscle tissue. Women do not have enough testosterone to build muscle at the same rate as men. Exercising with weights will however improve your overall health and help you maintain a healthy body weight.
If bodybuilders are your fear, let me first say that I have been around them for the past 12 years. As a woman, I can tell you most are really very nice. That's not to say there are not meat heads out there. I have actually found that more often than not, they are really helpful on the weight room floor. The only time I've ever really had a problem with one was right before a body building show (that's when they are really carb depleted and cranky).
As for super skinny beautiful people, a lot of the ones you see here in our gym have before and after pictures up on our wall of fame. That means they haven't always looked like that.They had to work for it. Besides people actually working out in most gyms range from super fit to super obese.
If you are worried that everyone is looking, I mean no disrespect, but most people really don't care what you look like or what you are doing. 
So now we've addressed some fears how about some idea to help.
1. How about go with a friend. Studies show that people who work out with a partner are more inclined to reach their fitness goals.
2. Meet with a trainer. Trainers can show you how to use machines properly, design a workout routine for you, or just help you get started in the right direction.
3. Join a class. Basic aerobic classes are fun and a way to change up your cardio. Classes like our boot camp have the ultimate accountability to keep you on track.
4. Go to the gym when it's not busy. Traditionally the busy times for most gyms are early in the morning and late afternoon/early evenings.
5. Finally, push through your fear. Working out truly does make you feel better at the end of the day!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eat better....Eat less

It really makes it difficult to change your eating habits when you still have junk in you cupboards. If you’re truly trying to make a lifestyle change, it only makes sense to change your family’s eating habits to. I’m not saying you can’t have occasional treats; they just need to be occasional.
 A lot of the food we buy is loaded with chemicals. Pay attention to how many ingredients are in the things you buy. The more ingredients they have, the more processed they are. Processed foods are made to dissolve quickly in your mouth. This often gets you to eat faster and in greater quantities. This often leaves you full, but not satisfied. Processed foods are usually high in salt. Processed meats have been shown to increase your risk of colorectal, kidney and stomach cancer. Processed foods can lead to depression and many more things!
So where do we go from here?
1.       Start by really looking at what is in your cupboards and fridge. Do you have a lot of quick and convient foods? Or do you have more natural foods? Do the things you eat truly satisfy and fill you? Or do they leave you hungry? You really have to get rid of the junk you have. Learn to truly enjoy food. Seek satisfaction in what you eat. Try a peach (or other fruit). Examine its color, smell it and take a bite. Give yourself a moment to truly enjoy it.
2.       Read labels on the food you buy. Be aware of what you are putting into your body. If you don’t know what 2 or more things are, it’s most likely not good for you.
3.       Wean yourself off excessive sugar, salt and fat. Now this will automatically happen as you start eating better. A good rule of thumb for sugar is if it has more than 30% of sugar in it, it is bad.
4.       Choose fresh whenever possible. Fresh foods are always going to be a better choice. Look for whole wheat when buying bread and pasta. Get fresh veggies over canned. Shop the outside aisles of the store. The aisles are filled with processed items while the outside has the meats, fruits and Veggies.
5.       Purchase organic whenever you can afford it!

You will soon find that by eating healthier, you will be fuller and more satisfied. Your pallet will slowly change and you may find you like foods you never thought you liked before.
As for treats, they truly become treats when you limit them to once in a blue moon. They also will be more enjoyable that way.

Try something new!

Do you want to become a happier more enriched person?? Try something new!! Becoming a more adventurous person can make you feel more satisfied at the end of the day. Trying new things can also help keep you young at heart!
When was the last time you tried something new? Maybe tried a new food? How about a new activity? What are the “normal” activities you do every day? These things can get us in a rut. A rut can cause you to be bored with life. A rut can cause depression. A rut can cause us to lose focus of our life goals.
Here’s some ideas of new things to try….
1.       Try a new recipe. click here for some yummy ideas
2.       Try running. We have treadmills, or there are many great trails in Bend.
3.       Try a Zumba class. click here for our class schedule
4.       Try hiking. Jenise has a hiking club that meets twice a month.
5.       Try learning a new word and using it.
6.       Try a Tai Chi class. click here for our schedule
7.       Try hula hooping. We have one in the gym!
8.       Try volunteering. There are so many opportunities in Bend.
9.       Try meeting a new person.
10.   Try a new fruit or Vegetable.

 “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”