Monday, September 27, 2010

My friends at ELITE Fitness and Education

Running a gym and a business is always something I dreamed about since I can remember. There were several aspects of this business I had anticipated but the one thing I didn't realize is how many friends I would have. In the short time we have been here, Jenise and I have been blessed with some of the coolest people in our lives and I want to share some of the neat experiences we have had.

For Jenise's birthday last year I got her a cruise. It was a big deal and you can watch the video on my facebook page. ( We had over 50 people in our house and all of them were members from the gym. It was alot of fun. This last two weeks we decided to move back into town and 3 families from the gym came to our house to help us move. The Bernardies, the Tapps, and the Morrells were awesome and we really appreciated it. This last weekend we had to tow Billy's car from the old house to the new house and get our ride on lawn mower but we didn't have a trailer. Karina and her husband Lorin not only let us use their truck and trailer, but followed behind us as we towed the 1978 camaro across town. The best part was when the strap broke and Karina and Myself got to push the camaro out of the intersection.

One of my training clients, Adam Brooks, invited me to go hunting with him this year. Now, I have to make a point to let you know Adam is like Mr. Hunter extraordinaire. He is the best and everyone knows it. He gets people asking him to take them hunting because they know he is so good and will never come back empty handed. It means alot to me that he would be willing to take a scrub like me hunting, knowing I have no experience and will most likely slow him down.

Today when I came to work, Jenise brought me to the kids club where one of our boot camp students, Teresa,  had purchased an entertainment center and brought it in for the kids club. She noticed it while garage selling this weekend and thought we could use it.

Our friends at the gym have gone camping with us, helped us at church events, helped us move, helped us take care of the gym, and so much more. We have a member, Tara, that owns a cleaning business. One time I saw her cleaning the drinking fountain. When I asked what she was doing she said "Someone spit in it and it was gross." She went back in the storage closet, got cleaner and gloves, and was cleaning away. Awesome.

Another member, Stephanie, owns a sign company and went through our very first boot camp here at ELITE. I decided to get my Durango wrapped but the cost was going to be almost $3000 dollars. Not only did she allow me to make payments but she started the job before I had even paid for half of it.

One of our members. Tiffany Gurnsey, is an avid horse lover and very passionate about horses. She has taken my wife and daughter horse back riding which was a dream come true for them because they both love horses. Again, the friends we have made are awesome.

I felt compelled to write this today as I was thinking about blessed we have been in our family and at ELITE. The economy has made it difficult for a start up gym to make it in Bend for two years. The friends we made have made it all worth it.

If I have forgotten anyone please do not think we don't appreciate what you have done for us. We love all of our members and did not expect to have so many friends with our business. Thank you all for making this business a blessing to our family. Thank you for loving my wife and my children and for making this move to Bend, a really, really good idea.

We look forward to making more friends, helping more people, and continuing to live out our dream with our friends.

Victor and Jenise

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