Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fitness SUCKS!! We get that at ELITE Fitness and Education Bend

Let’s face it, when the typical person thinks about fitness they think about “sweating, stinking, and hurting” for an hour that they have to pay for. Who wants to sign up for that? That is why Jenise and I understand that we are not in the business of selling fitness. We are in the business of selling “HOPE.” That is what we believe and strive for everyday at ELITE Fitness and Education. I have worked with several people over the years in this industry. In fact, I have worked in 39 different clubs, in 5 different states, and for 5 different companies. I had to move around a lot because I never found a company that truly believed it was their responsibility to help their members achieve their goals. I believe you will see more from ELITE than any other health club you have been a part of. We truly believe that when you get involved with ELITE Fitness and Education that we have a moral obligation to do everything we can to help you. This goes beyond providing good programming and seminars. It means we believe we have to help you fight the greatest enemy you will have when trying to change your life, “YOU!” That is right, you will be your own worst enemy when it comes to changing your body. If you want to lose weight, your body will try to get you to “justify” eating more food when you work out. “Go ahead,” you will tell yourself. “Have some poptarts, you just worked your tail off in the gym. You deserve them, you have earned them.” The problem with this is that you probably only burned about 250-300 calories during that workout and those poptarts have around 400 calories. If you want to learn more about this make sure you attend the “Controlling your weight, by controlling your life” seminar and you will learn how our own survival mechanisms in our bodies betray us when we try to lose weight. This is just an example of the type of education you can expect from us. Take a look at some of these articles I have prepared for you. They are free and what can be better than free education. All of these articles I have written myself or “stolen with permission” from the original author. I have even taken some ideas from Matt himself, so if you see something that sounds like something he said, I probably stole it from him. The good news is we both have the same vision so he does not care if he gets the credit or not.

You will notice a large number of my articles have to do with supplements. I love supplements and what they allow us to achieve. That being said, here are two rules I believe you should adopt when considering taking supplements.

1. Always look to take the least amount of supplements possible- They are designed to assist your nutrition, not replace it. We always want to look at your food intake to see if we can eliminate the need for a supplement. We would rather you get your nutrients from food and only want to use a supplement when you either do not have the right foods available, or simply do not enjoy certain foods.

2. Never take anything you do not understand- If someone can not explain to you, in detail, what the product does, how it works in your body, how it helps you achieve your goals, and why you should take it over some other product, then you run and don’t even think about taking it. That goes for us as well. In fact, if I am ever at the front counter, when you are getting supplements you can be sure I will make sure you understand the “ins and out s” of the product before you go home. Also, I recommend you attend my “sensible supplementation” seminar that describes the importance of purity, potency, and delivery systems in supplements.

3. Learn to ask questions- If someone is not willing to answer your questions until you feel comfortable I do not believe they have a right to ask for your money. Learn what questions to ask and empower yourself to be a wise consumer. We are overwhelmed every day with a barrage of marketing and advertising, and they have gotten so good at making bad things look good, it is hard to make good decisions.

If you would like to request a seminar that we have, or if you have an idea for a seminar you would like to see, contact us by CLICKING HERE, and we will do the research for you and schedule the seminar. Please be patient when requesting a new seminar. My team and I are not formally educated, other than personal training certifications, we only have a passion and drive that pushes us to research and, like we encourage you to do, ask a hundred questions until we figure out what makes the most sense based on science and facts.

For more articles and fun videos check out our website at www.elitefiteducate.org.

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