Thursday, August 11, 2011

Benefits of Sunlight

Sunlight, How often do you think about the benefits of it? A lot of people get the bare minimum of light need to stay healthy every day. What we need to realize is just 10 minutes of sunlight everyday can make a huge difference in your life. Sunlight has gotten a bad rap because of severe burns and skin cancers, but there are things you can do to protect yourself while still reaping the benefits.
Sunlight happens to be one of the greatest healing remedies you can find in nature. Our bodies need natural sunlight to synthesize adequate amounts of Vitamin D to keep our bones strong and healthy and strengthen our immune system. If you do not get enough sunlight, you actually increase your risk of bone disease, weaken your heart, slow your immune system and slow the healing of bones and cuts. The trick is to get sunlight in moderation. When you hide away from the sun, you miss out on the benefits.
So lets lake a look at the benefits of sunlight, from the outside in. Sunlight gives you a healthy looking complexion. It can reduce acne, boils, athlete's foot, diaper rash, psoriasis, jaundice, eczema and tighten your skin. We spend millions of dollars on products to control and eliminate these issues. Getting outside for 10-30 minutes a day is free!! Regular moderate exposure to sunlight will cause your body to build up a natural resistance to the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. As for tanning, allowing your skin to get moderately tanned will actually make your more resistant to sunburns and infections.
Inside the body has even more benefits! Getting a daily dose of sun will enhance your immune system by increasing white blood cells, thus helping your body fight off diseases more effectively. While certain skin cancers are associated with too much exposure to the sun, moderate daily exposure can greatly decrease your risk of breast, colon and prostrate cancers. Sunlight can even slow or prevent the growth of cancerous tumors.

Sunlight turns cholesterol into Vitamin D, therefore lowering cholesterol levels. Vitamin D is essential to our immune system. Having a stronger immune system will help your body fight off diseases more effectively and greatly reduce the use of medicines. Sunlight has been proven to balance out hormones. It may even relieve some of the symptoms of PMS. Sunlight also strengthens your circulation by stimulating the production of red blood cells increasing the oxygen in your blood.
Sunlight improves the function of your liver helping it break down toxins and waste. Having a better functioning liver can help you lose body fat. Sunlight improves your digestion, elimination and metabolism. Increasing your metabolism will help you burn calories which is great at helping you lose weight and stay in shape. Of course if you are eating a diet high in fat, junk food, soft drinks, vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, animal and vegetable shortening, it will not help!

Sunlight can also helps you emotionally. Regular exposure to the sun can help reduce your stress levels. Getting enough sunlight can help you sleep better at night by increasing your melatonin. Melatonin is a natural hormone made by our bodies. Getting enough sleep every day can help slow down the aging process and give your more energy during the day. Sunlight can soothe your nerves and boost your mood leaving you with a renewed sense of well being. Adding just 10 minutes a day of sunlight can greatly reduce depression and anxiety. Sunlight increases the production of endorphins in your brain leaving you feeling much better. It has life giving energy to your organs, and vitalizes your body; the mood enhancement can even strengthen your personal relationships.

So what's stopping you from getting outside a little everyday??

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