Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Being AWESOME!!!

I have several people in my life that seek to draw attention to themselves with negativity. They talk about how hard their life is, how they have been wronged in the past, or abused, taken advantage of, multiple sicknesses, conditions, depression, etc. My brain does not understand that idea. Why do some people work so hard to put their “junk” out on the table for everyone to see, just for the sake of getting attention? I completely understand the idea of wanting attention. If you know me on facebook, then you know this to be true. But why use negative stuff to get that attention? Why not use your “awesomeness” to get attention? Why not display your talents to get the attention you are seeking? That’s what I do. I use my positive qualities to attract the attention to myself that I want. I usually use my qualities of being funny, good looking, or argumentative to draw attention to myself. I do not think this is a lack of humility at all. I am a very humble person, but I also have a high self-esteem. I don’t think I am arrogant because I never elevate myself higher than others. You will never hear me say that I am better looking than someone; just that I am good looking. You will never hear me say that I am funnier than someone; just that I am funny. I do find it fascinating, that several people accuse me of being egotistical or arrogant, simply because I have healthy self-worth. What has our society come to, when depression is the normal behavior, and someone with a positive self-esteem is considered arrogant?

I am unable to explain why I have a healthy outlook on life. Even as a child, I am not able to remember ever being “down” or feeling depressed. I remember several occasions where something bad happened, and I tried to make the most of it, or just move on from it.

One time in 7th grade, our teacher played a game. We went around the room and made up nicknames for ourselves that rhymed with our names. John was “strong” John. Mary was “scary” Mary. Back in grade school, I went by Vic so the obvious nickname for me would be “Vic” followed by the slang term for male genitals. Obviously, I knew when it came to my turn, that is what everyone would be thinking. As the teacher went around the room, I couldn’t wait for her to get to me. When it was finally my turn, I proclaimed that my nickname was “Awesome Vic!” She immediately reminded me of the rules that the nickname had to rhyme with my actual name. I said to her “What’s more important about a nickname; that it rhymes, or that it is true?” Several of the kids laughed and she cracked a smile and accepted my nickname.

Again, I am not able to explain why my brain works like this and others don’t. However, I want to encourage other people to be more like me. Some are rolling their eyes right now and thinking “Yeah, right. Why would I want to be an arrogant show off?” Well, if you go through bouts of depression a lot, and always seem to be “down” then I would say I am much happier than you. If you don’t go through depression or times of being down, than this won’t apply to you, and you may continue to judge me. J And I am not saying that you have to be like me and proclaim how good looking and funny you are. Focus on other things that you are good at. I know someone that goes through depression that is incredible at baking pastries, cakes, and fancy cookies. This person looks like a professional pastry chef. But I never see them post pictures on facebook. They have an amazing talent that they never seem to share with the world. I know another person that is depressed, very regularly but this person is an amazing artist and writer. Again, they draw and write at a professional level (in my opinion) and I have never seen a single post, sharing their amazing talents. What about you? What are you good at? How about instead of posting how bad your life is, or talking about how rough your childhood was, you share what skills and talents you have with the world? I think people would prefer that, to the regular postings of depression, life not being fair, and how miserable you are. Just a thought.

Now, figure out what you are really good at. If you think you are not good at anything, then you just haven’t tried enough new things. Nobody ever realized they were good at anything until they attempted it.

But most importantly, realize that you are an amazing person, that has a lot of positive things to contribute to society. Then share that with the world.     


  1. As a personal trainer for nine years, I was privileged to get to know a variety of wonderful people. I admired all of my clients, though one stands out in my mind. He called himself "Eric the Magnificent" and always said he was becoming more and more incredible every day. As well as being a Harvard alumnus and lecturer and artist,
    at age 68 he was busily writing gourmet cookbooks within the 150-character limit of a text message. And he always managed to beat me at raquetball.

    I enjoyed your article, Victor, and think we could each and all benefit by acquiring just a little bit more awesomeness.. Thanks for sharing!

  2. One way to get around this is to use the powder in food, in particular people often add it to smoothies and there are some juice bars that include it in their 'power smoothies'.

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  3. you put this in actually inspiring way, i am depressed often but this did not set me off in the slightest.
    i feel like in todays society, everybody is way more anxious then they used to be, definitely in the united states at least, and our society has had to adjust to that alot to the point where people almost expect a hidden anxiety in everyone.
    thanks though i feel inspired to go work out now though :)

    1. THanks for reading Louie. I dont know why I have never been depressed in my life. I cant explain it. I also cant exaplin why I have always felt a deep rooted obligation to help people who are, or have been depressed.

      Merry Christmas and thanks for reading,

