Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Six Turkey Sandwiches!!!

I wrote this article before we opened the gym, two years ago. It has been one of my most popular articles because it is so true and it really makes things clear.

Stay with me here, I am going to talk about important stuff. I want to talk about how the food choices you make can make or break your success. Let’s take a whopper for example. Did you know just one little whopper contains 770 calories? The French fries pack an incredible 500 calories, and a soda is 280 calories. Now, if you are like every other red blooded American, you have to refill your soda on the way out the door, right? I mean, you have to get your money’s worth. If so, you have just consumed 1830 calories in one sitting!!!! A woman that weighs 150 pounds will typically only burn about 1800 calories in a day. She just went 30 calories over, in one meal. Now let’s look at some other food choices. Two slices of wheat bread has 140 calories. (for two slices) A slice of cheese has 90 calories and your typical serving of turkey lunch meat has 60 calories. Load it up with vegetables and you might get 15 calories. A typical turkey sandwich has around 310 calories. That “value” meal from the fast food restaurant has the same number of calories as 6 turkey sandwiches. Let me ask you; when is the last time you ever ate 6 turkey sandwiches in one sitting? Now, when is the last time you put away a number 4 value meal from a fast food place? Now, let’s talk about how you feel. When you eat the fast food, do you feel like you have the energy to play with the kids, go for a walk, or hit the weights? Probably not; you more than likely feel like you need a nap to digest all the grease. So, not only did you eat way too many calories in one sitting, but you ate a meal that didn’t even give you enough energy to burn itself off. And if you’re thinking to yourself, “but I really enjoy eating fast food,” then please read the article “fun vs. joy.” Oh and one more thing; You can buy the stuff to make 6 turkey sandwiches for about $4 and you would actually be able to make about 6 more sandwiches. So much for saving money with the “value” menu. So we have discussed how fast is not “cheaper” and it does not provide adequate energy. But what about the convenience? It takes about 20-25 minutes to pull off the road/highway, go through the drive through and get back to the same place on the road/highway. I can make 7 turkey sandwiches in about 15 minutes. That is only two minutes per meal. Fast food is not more convenient. In fact, when it comes down to it, fast food is not cheap, it does not provide adequate energy, and it is not more convenient. The only advantage fast food really has, is that you did not have to do the work yourself.


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Have fun and remember to enjoy the journey,                                                  


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